en es

About this site


This is my personal site. No more and no less. You can consider it my home, and yes, you are invited to come visit!

Just as it happens at home, some rooms might be messier than others. The content of my rooms, messy or not, also reflect some of my interests: science, languages, literature, history, ...

Just as I do at home, I regularly use three languages here: Spanish (my native one), Dutch, and English. They are properly labeled, so you can easily filter them out.


I've been publishing web content since 2008. I needed a place to put it all together.



With Pelican.

Some details

After this many years working on IT-related stuff, and annoyed by the excess of rings and bells of most web-based IDEs, I wanted my site to:

  • Be portable
  • Be minimalistic and markdown-based
  • Be able to easily implement translations
  • Render stuff such as
    • Equations
    • Highlighted code
    • Diagrams

Last and least, I keep a huge spreadsheet with all my publications (academic or not), teaching activities, talks, interviews, ... It contains more than 300 items, and every time I have something new, I add a new line to it. This spreadsheet is the source of most of the tables in

What I definitely not want to do is to edit this in more than one place, so I wrote a tiny Python package that takes care of this for me. If you feel curiosity, here it is.

This is why I used Pelican.